Monday, July 29, 2013


 Mark was thrilled with this car until it started to overheat after a month of ownership. He took it to the repair shop several times, then finally they said it needed a head gasket. Too costly a repair. So they agreed to take the car to auction and give back the money they were able to get for it. After having a car for two months Mark and Shannon realized how important having a car was to them, so they figured out how much a car payment they could afford. So we all went out car hunting again, but this time  not buying a car as is. We wanted a  car with a warranty.
 We went to several car dealerships and at Lancaster Toyota they showed us this 2006 Sebring.
 It is in good shape except for the scrape on the front bumper. It only has 50,000 miles and came with a 13 month warranty. It was in their price range, so the purchase was made. We hope this car will give them much better  performance and give them some good transportation for the next few years.

Sunday, July 28, 2013


July sure has been a hot month, 90's with high humidity.Thanks to family and friends with pools, we enjoyed several cool visits.
We even played some golf, Larry really is enjoying it. He even got his sister, Barb, taking lessons and getting some clubs.
 Last Saturday Mystique and Jason came over and we all went to Mt. Gretna playhouse and saw Kiss Me Kate. The song Too Darn Hot is from the musical and it was to darn hot and humid, even at night.
Last Sunday was a party at Larry's  sister Georgine's. Her grandson, Austin,(in the blue top) was leaving on Monday to go to Kentucky for heavy equipment and crane operation school.

The guys had fun bobbing for apples and playing games. More then one way to stay cool.

Friday, July 5, 2013


The weather has been hot with storms almost every day. On June 28th a golf tournament Larry was to play in got cancelled so we went over to Tree  top and played  9 holes of golf. All those carts, but we walked it. Larry is really getting pretty good and I had a few good hits.
 Friday night we went to the Mt. Gretna playhouse and saw Watson- the last great tale of the Legendary Sherlock Holmes.  An unusual play but we enjoyed it. Lot of creative acting.
 The first of July, time to go and pick some cherries.
 We picked 6 pounds in a few minutes, the trees were loaded and picking was easy. Now pitting those cherries took a lot longer!  I made three pies out of them, and yes the cherries were sour, but quite tasty in the pie.
 We went to Sharon Hill, where my son and sister live. for a 4th of July picnic. My son's friend, Pam, and her children came over.  We had fun playing some games outside.
 We ended the evening watching fireworks from the front steps. Collingdale puts there fireworks off right at the end of the street. It was a nice day.