Thursday, September 19, 2024


 Find, Feed and Restore had an event in Clermont to raise funds, have fun and enjoy a good meal. 

I am not sure who the MC was for the game show, but he did a great job.

The Crime Crusher's were from the Sheriff Department.
the city of Clermont Justice Team.

It was sort of a Family Feud game. One person from each team  had to answer a trivia question by being the first one to buzz in and give the correct answer. 

After they answered the question they had to pick a number from 1 to 30 which gave them a challenge  to do. There was dancing, singing, drawing, physical stunt, and even a free pass. The challenge had a number of points given to it. If they accomplished it their team got the points, if they didn't do it they lost that number of points. They had a chance to pass the challenge to the other team. 
Trying to get the slinky on top of his head, no hands. Lost those points.

 Doing  some  disco dancing. All were good sports and had fun. We had lots of laughs.
The Justice Team took the title of champions for the fourth year.
These were the numbers that were the  most important. A few people who have been housed shared their stories and how it helped. Along with the housing they get counseling and financial teaching. What they learned helps them become independent. What a great program, we are happy to support it. 

Tuesday, September 10, 2024


Friday afternoon we went into Epcot. We haven't been to Disney for many months. It is just too hot. We listened to the drummers from Japan and then went to the American Adventure (air conditioned).

This is the group that was performing at the Eat to the Beat concert. 
A little to heavy metal for us. We left before it was over to beat some storms.
We were only 15 minutes from Landry's, so we went there for dinner. Large portions and very good meal. Thanks to my winning the opportunity drawing at St. Luke's. 
It rained hard while we were eating, but was over before we were done. It was nice afternoon outing.

Tuesday, September 3, 2024


Larry needed to rearrange his office space to allow for more room for the new equipment he will be getting.  The room is also our guest room so we had a nice bureau in it. One idea was to get bureau half as big.
But we decided he would have lots of space if we took the mirror off. Then what to do with the mirror? Hang it on the wall. 
So Larry hung the braces and with help from neighbors it was hung. Patty checking it out. 


 We were glad Larry made it home in time to attend Noelene's 80th birthday party. 
Noelene on the left and Anne, her daughter's mother-in-law on the right. They both turned 80 this month and are good friends. the gentleman in the middle also was a friend and turned 80 in August. 

Pictures of Noelene's 80 years of life. She grew up in New Zealand. She was an air line stewardess. She met her husband, Dale during the Vietnam war. She came over to the US and was married. He just passed away in March. 
Evelyn and Noelene.  It was a very nice celebration,  lots of good food,  fun activities, and stories shared.   


 Larry had an appointment with the Blind and Partial Vision clinic at Lake Nona on August 22, Thursday morning at 7, which meant we left home at 6.  It was a very informative meeting and there is a lot of  equipment he can get to help with reading of documents or looking at pictures. He could even go to a facility in West Palm Beach  to take classes and learn how to me more independent. At this time he does not need any of that assistance. but we were very impressed with all the help that is available.         In the beginning of the meeting  she asked  Larry how he was. Larry told her he was having trouble breathing, especially when he was laying down and that he wasn't getting sleep. She told him she wanted him to have it checked out at the clinic before he left. When we were done she walked us down to the clinic.

         He had an EKG and then the next thing he was in a wheelchair going to the emergency room. After other EKG and test it was determined he had blood clots in this lower lungs and was admitted to the hospital. 12 hours after leaving I arrived home, alone. 

         Friday I went back to the VA Hospital (an hour and half  drive).  He had had shots in his stomach to help thin his blood and to help get rid of the clots. By late afternoon he was cleared to come home on high dosage of Eliquis for a week and then to decreases by half.  We  will meet with a hematologist next week to see how long he should be on the medicine. If the clots are caused by the operation , it may only be for a few months. 

        We thank the woman at the Blind Clinic for being so diligent and for the staff at the VA finding the clots. They are the silent killer. And thanks for all the prayers.


We wanted me to get use to driving the RV a little more, so we went to Lake Griffin State Park in Fruitland Park. It is north on 27 about an hour away. I did well, even pulled into a shopping center, a place to eat, and got gas at BJ's.
Larry did back the RV into the camping site and at the house.  I think working together we are back on the road.
There is not much to do at Lake Griffin. We did take a walk on the nature trail in the morning.  The second oldest  live oak tree in Florida.

The weather was very hot and humid and we had a storm right after we arrived. We have realized camping in Florida is not the best idea in the summer. 


Saturday, August 24, St. Luke's United Women in Faith had a lovely tea. It was nice to dress up and fellowship with other women. Almost everyone had on hats. Evelyn Rose sold tickets, she filled two tables with women who had been at Clermont. 

In the lobby, before the luncheon, there were items for sale from their thrift store, a silent auction  and a few opportunity items.  I was a lucky winner of  $50 gift certificate to Landry's Seafood House.

After our lunch there was a lovely fashion show of outfits from their thrift store. 

 St. Luke's puts on many good musical shows. They had just performed the Sound of Music, so for our entertainment they sang some of the songs from the show. The theme for the tea was Our Favorite Things, and each of the tables had been decorated by different women showing their favorite things,  like Girl Scouts, painting, travel, gardening.