Sunday, April 14, 2013


 Each morning on our way to where we are working we pass this on the side of the road.  So we stopped and looked.
 This is a storm shelter you can purchase to put in the ground by your home.
 Looking down into it, I think you could sit about 10 people in it.  Larry was concerned about the ventilation, the holes on the door is all there is. We have a safe room at the church if we need a shelter. There is a brand new storm shelter a few blocks away in Haleyville we have been told to use if we have time to go there. Thursday there was a warning but the weather did not get bad around here.
 Friday evening Larry and I went to Tuscumbia to shop at Lowe's and then we took a side trip to the Rattlesnake Saloon.
 You park your car in the lot and then the Saloon taxi picks you up.
 Before they take you down, you must show ID and get your hand stamped if you want to buy beer.

 The band performs under the rock. There was only a  DJ on Friday night, we would like to go again and hear a band. I think the place can hop. But we danced a little, had some food and enjoyed our evening out.
 You can eat in the saloon or on the patios. Notice the snake skins on the post.
 Saturday Gary, Joan, Fran and I went to Moulton for the Alabama chicken and egg festival.
 There were lots of crafts to look at and buy.
 There were many folklife artist and activities, like this chain saw carver.
 We had to eat some homemade ice cream.
 What a clever way to churn the ice cream!
 It was delicious.
 We then had chicken tacos or a chicken dog.
 There was lots of good music and three different stages, so you could hear playing and singing where ever you were.
 And of course there were chickens and roosters on exhibit.
 Sunday was a lay ministry fair at the church so we set up a booth. A nice way to share with the church what we are about and to see all the ministries at this church.
 For the last week the trees have been blooming. It is very pretty but I have never seen so much pollen. Our car and RV are covered with green pollen. And of course we have the sneezing and allergies that comes along with it. It is to be better next week.