Thursday, August 22, 2024


 Our almost 4 year old washer was leaking a little, mostly when we washed the sheets. We have a warranty, so a repairman came out looked at it. We realized the basket was hitting the floor, the bracket holding it was broken. He was going to order a part and fix it, but the warranty company said it wasn't repairable and that they would replace it or give us our money back. We went to Lowe's and ordered a new washer. 

Larry had seen on YouTube how to connect the dryer hose with a magnet connector.  I had always worried that the hose was really bent and would get filled and cause a fire. So he ordered the Magvent and when we had the washer out he installed it. 

There has always been a space between the dryer and the wall so he build a shelf.

The washer was delivered yesterday. The only problem the lid didn't clear the cabinet to stay opened. So back to Lowe's and find a hook to hold it open. So with a little help from an employee and some ingenuity on Larry's part we have a hook to hold it up. He fixed the cabinet door so I can open it when the lid is up, for that is where I keep the detergent. 
The closet doors are rehung and three loads of wash have been done. No stopping Larry, it is good to keep busy.

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