Thursday, August 22, 2024


Went to Mission U July 19 to July 21 at the Westin Lake Mary. I roomed with Linda Welander. There were about 10 women  from the east central district that attended.  Some of the ladies  were from the units in the  Atlantic Central District and North Central District that are now part of our district. 

The mission study was entitled Welcome Home. The kin-dom of God.  He doesn't rule as a king on earth rules, different use of power.  In God's kin-dom we are part of the family. 

 Dr. Kate Pravera was the key note speaker. She is very socially active. 

There were activities to part take in for  Soul Care. Mary Ann and I went to Haitian dancing. We were  given skirts and head scarf to wear and there was even some food to taste. It was lots of fun.
Tracey  also danced with us.
This group provided the music and singing during the plenaries. They were good.
Another soul care activity was playing chimes. I did not do it, I went to chair yoga. Linda,

and Paula played chimes. They then played the songs they learned at the Sunday morning closing.
The mission study was very interesting. 
 Our  mission study leader was Dr. Robert Ladner. It is interesting how each of the leaders teach the material a little differently.  Our class always opened with each of us telling our name, what church we attended and some thing else we were to share. Many of us in the class went to churches that disaffiliated, some stayed some left. All of us belong to God's family. 
We had a nice weekend, delicious food and  good fellowship. 

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