Monday, May 11, 2020


Stay at home started in the middle of March. There are no  church services. We do have on line service and send in pictures to be shown. Our Palm Sunday picture (April 5). We have also used Zoom to chat with our Sunday School class and have small groups in Celebrate Recovery.

For fun I made an Easter hat. Larry and I take walks around the neighborhood once or twice a day, so I had my own Easter Parade.

I tried  my hand at mask making. Elastic was hard to come by so this one tied. It is recommended you wear one if you go to the store.

Lake County put out a call for 18,000 masks to be made. Material and elastic was provided. I made 50, but I broke 4 needles, and my sewing machine was not always happy.
It was a simple pattern, and thanks to three neighbors we made 200. I heard they had 15,000 made.

 I couldn't get together to play games with the neighbors, so I enjoyed putting together some puzzles.

Our church's United Methodist Women's Spring Fashion Show and Luncheon on March 21 was cancelled. Thankfully most people did not ask for refunds for the tickets they had purchased, so they were able to give money to two organizations.
 We visited friends but stayed 6 feet apart.  Sharon stays home and has all her food and supplies delivered.
 We have done some shopping on line. I got a new air fryer oven.
 Haven't eaten in a restaurant for a long time so I made my own menu and dining experience. Good thing I like to cook and it was a nice change of pace. 

If you enlarge this picture you will see a duck swimming in the pool. Our pool stayed open but the chairs have to stay 6 feet apart.

 A mourning dove made a nest on the ladder by our kitchen door.
 Two babies almost ready to fly away.
 They left and now there are two more eggs being sat on. I saw them chance who was sitting on the eggs. Larry and I had detailed the RV and I was afraid I may have scared them away, although all the time we were working a bird was on the nest.
 Mother's Day flowers brighten up the table. Things are slowly beginning to open up. Hair salons opened today and I have an appointment on Wednesday, over twelve weeks since it has been cut or colored.
Nature provides us lot of entertainment: seeing alligators on the pond, hawks catching rodents, an opossum walking across our back porch at night, and a super moon each month.
Thankfully no one we personally know has had the virus and died. Our Grandson's wedding that was to be May 23 in PA  has been postponed.  We did get a blood test to see if we have the antibodies, but have not had the results yet. My son has not been driving for Uber but has been doing work at the body shop. The economy and unemployment is the biggest problem and how to fix it safely without causing the virus to spread is the question. I will end this post with a quote from the Bible study we are doing by Max Lucado:
"You'll get through this. It won't be painless. It won't be quick. But God will use this mess for good. In the meantime, don't be foolish or naive. But don't despair either. With God's help, you will get through this."

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