Sunday, June 9, 2024


  We have jumped right back into life at home. It took a day to get the RV and car unloaded, everything washed, put away and the house cleaned. 

 I met Debra for lunch on Friday and gave her some of the puzzles.  Larry met with Rise about his role for the fall Walk to Emmaus. He then went and helped Karla put up curtain rods and hang some room darkening curtains. Saturday Larry was in Lakeland at an Emmaus training meeting all day. 

Sunday we went to church and then Sunday School. It is the first we have been there since March. 

In the afternoon we went to Longwood UMC in Orlando and saw this play. 

The cast was all children and everyone did an outstanding job. 
We were told they got ready for this in 9 days. I don't know how they learned all the songs and dances. 
So much talent. They did a great job and we really enjoyed it. 

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