Wednesday, November 24, 2021


On November 22 for my 72 birthday we took a day trip to Treasure Island to see the sand sculptures that were created during the weekend. Sandlandtis was a sand sculpting exhibition held November 18-21

It was raining in Clermont when we left but by the time we got to St. Petersburg the sun had come out. It was windy so it was a little cool.  Glad Lynda it here to celebrate with me.

These are all written on in sand.

All the sculptures had to do with the sea and had a humorous touch.  This master sculpturer was from Canada. HIs creation is call Bite the Arm that Feeds You.

This one is You Complete Me.

From Florida this sculpturer created Mischiefish.

Winter the dolphin had just died, Nov.11th at the Aquarium in Clearwater. There was a book and movie about him. This was a tribute to him.


There was so much detail, the pictures just don't show how much there is. Notice the skid marks around the fish to show it had landed.
Each side of the sculpture had different faces looking out the windows.
This shell castle must have been 12 feet tall.

Lynda taking lots of pictures. It was nice coming today when there wasn't a lot of people so we could get close and get good shots.

The Whale Wash

The Joust. Of course they were on sea horses.

On the other side of the joust was fresh fish.  So funny.

Neptune's Organ

It was amazing.

This sand artist came from Hawaii. The creation is called Tangled in Weeds lies Jelly Girl Shelly Tickled by seaweed it marked up her Belly.

This piece was the people choice winner on the weekend. It is entitled Pregnant Mermaid.

It was a beautiful day to take a walk along the water. I even got my feet wet. 
We stopped at Leverocks in St. Petersburg for my birthday dinner.
We had tried to eat here when we were camping at Fort DeSoto but it was closed. We had eaten here years ago for our anniversary. It was a very nice ending to my birthday.

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